Saturday, October 17, 2009


Manhattan pulls off 20-17 win after a slow start by the Manhattan team. We had the most wonderful time playing this game!!! Everyone had a great time, players and spectators alike! We're still talking about how what a great day it was! We had a few injuries, some minor, one major but all did live through the experience. After the game we had chili & brats a few drinks and relived the game again. Who says we can't have fun in the rural areas.
We are already planning our next year's game. We should have even more people there to watch and laugh at us "old folks" playing games.

This is the Manhattan team. Aren't we a good looking bunch?

This is the Belmont team. Not nearly as cute as we are!

1 comment:

  1. Two broken ribs is not a minor injury.....3B.
